The Prose of a Traveling Man: Libbie Mill Library, Henrico County, VA
As I made my way into the Libbie Mill Library in Henrico County Virginia, I was greeted by Bethany, a librarian, and Kristyn Saroff, the assistant manager of the library.
The library’s digital media lab was a popular venue. It offered internet access and other media resources. Adults use the space for job interviews and meetings. teens use it for various projects. The room also has a green screen.

I also met Chris and Megan, two librarians in charge of the children’s section of the library. Chris shared a couple of programs with me that the children have worked on as well as a read aloud activity that is interactive with puppets from the famous author Ashley Bryan.
One recent activity for children ages 5-10 was the “Star Jar” project. The kids created constellation models with mason jars , colored light bulbs and tinfoil. The kids used different texts to help with this project.

The teen section of the library offered a music program. Teenagers could practice on keyboards that offer a Midi setup which allows users to connect to Garageband software. Libbie Mill is offering programs that provide education on music as well as technology to help with creating and editing your own music.

The library recently completed an African American genealogy program that generated great interest. They had professional genealogists come in and work with 40 African American Henrico County residents to help them discover their family history and roots in the state of Virginia.

It was wonderful getting a chance to speak with employees of the Libbie Mill Library, and hearing about some of the great programs they offer for all ages!